The aim of the Center is to promote multidisciplinary work of an important team of oceanographers which has reached significant levels of scientific development and productivity and capable of making an important contribution toward the solution of problems related with the country's development. In addition, education at the doctoral and postdoctoral levels is a very important component of the Center.
The long-term general goals of the Center are:
- To enhance present scientific knowledge and create novel multidisciplinary knowledge on the structure, dynamics and functioning of the marine ecosystems of the eastern South Pacific (ESP)
- To consolidate and maintain a group dedicated to multidisciplinary research in oceanography with national and international recognition of scientific excellence
- To create a scientific environment that motivates national and international oceanography students to become part of COPAS as to develop into outstanding young scientists
- To encourage interdisciplinary ocean and climate research projects and international collaboration in the ESP region
- To build a strong platform of oceanographic information on the ESP that will become the reference and main source of knowledge for policy makers and the general public in the region regarding oceans and climate change
- To consolidate an outreach program that addresses the need for public education in oceanography, and strengthens science and technological public awareness
- To institutionalize the COPAS Center within the University of Concepción